Holodomor 2022: Krasnoyarsk Region deputies decided to take the harvest from Kherson farmers and export it to Russia

Deputies of the Krasnoyarsk Region Legislative Assembly took the first step toward repeating the Holodomor – the mass man-made famine of 1932-1933, which took the lives of millions of Ukrainians. In full accordance with Stalin’s methods, they decided to confiscate and export to the Russian Federation the crops harvested by Kherson farmers. The modern fascists are also planning to take food from other southern regions of Ukraine, if they manage to occupy them.
This is another element of genocide, which is documented in the official press release No. 379 (13593), an extract from which was published by the press service on the official site of the Legislative Assembly on 27.02.2022. After the resonance caused by this decision, the news was removed from the site, but it had already been saved by Internet Archive. The English translation is below.
As part of the state support strategy for the agro-industrial complex and the development of rural areas of the region, the Legislative Assembly Committee on Rural Affairs and Agro-Industrial Policy adopted a resolution to initiate the supply of agricultural products from Ukraine.
Deputies at the meeting almost unanimously supported the decision to import grain from the Kherson region, which was partially taken under the control of the Russian Armed Forces as part of the Special Operation in Ukraine. Since there is only one enterprise producing cucumbers in the region, and due to the shortage of other vegetables and crops as a result of foreign sanctions is keenly felt not only in Krasnoyarsk region, but also at the federal level everywhere, expropriation of the last year and current crop surplus of Kherson region farmers will be one of the tools to support small enterprises and consumer cooperatives.
Vladyslav Zyryanov, Committee Chairman, assumes that colleagues from other regions would be able to successfully implement such experience in the future. “Despite the fact that the logistics involves long sea and land transportation, such an approach will be economically justified, given the withdrawal of many seed and fertilizer suppliers from the Russian market, as well as significant heat and electricity costs to grow their own vegetables and fruits. Once all the goals of the Russian military operation in Ukraine are achieved, it will also be possible to increase Russian domestic supply by moving food from other southern regions taken under control,” he said confidently.